Friday 8 October 2010

Questionnaire results

How old are you?

What gender are you?

What do you intend to do after college?

What do you hobbies involve generally?

How often do you listen to music roughly?

What genre of music do you listen to mostly?

On a scale of 1-10 how important are music videos to you? 1- Not at all important 10- Very important

Try and think of your favourite music video, what appeals to you, why do you watch it?

What aspects are important in a music video?

Is fashion/costume important in a music video?

To what extent do you agree that women are represented negatively in music videos? (1- strongly disagree 5-strongly agree)

To what extent do you agree that music videos should illustrate the lyrics in the storyline?

Initial ideas


Wednesday 6 October 2010

Shot Count Analysis

The music video which I have chosen for my shot count is My Sacrifice by Creed. Through out the whole video which is 4 minutes 46 seconds, there are 138 camera shots; however a couple of camera shots were repeated of the lead singer, but most of the shots was varied. What made the repeated shots of the lead singer stand out was that because the were long and the editing between them was slow compared to the rest of the music video, but I think the editor was very clever and done this deliberately as it adds more emotion to the song. The music video also keeps you hooked to the song as the editor keeps the video focused on the storyline rather than the band and he does this through out the editing of the shots as during the storyline the editing is very slow, which seems to make the shots last longer and the shots during the band are very quick making the seem very short. The first seven shots into this video lead you into storyline through a man’s eye, which leads you on to band shots and then the actual storyline for this music video. Most of these shots are mainly medium shots, and close up’s of either the band or the people in the storyline, however there are some other shots like; extreme close up, on the mans eye, slow motion shots, pans and tilts.

Thursday 30 September 2010

E-mail for Hiring

E-mail copy

A copy of the E-mail sent to Paramore's manager asking permission to use their song Brick by boring brick.

Lyric Breakdown

Intro (23 seconds)
She lives in a fairy tale (3 seconds)
Somewhere too far for us to find (3 seconds)
Forgotten the taste and smell (3 seconds)
Of the world that she's left behind (3 seconds)
It's all about the exposure the lens I told her (5 seconds)
The angles were all wrong now (3 seconds)
She's ripping wings off of butterflies (4 seconds)
keep your feet on the ground (4 seconds- with instrumental)
when your head's in the clouds (7 seconds- with instrumental)
Well go get your shovel (3 seconds)
And we'll dig a deep hole (2 seconds)
To bury the castle, bury the castle (6 seconds)
Well go get your shovel (3 seconds)
And we'll dig a deep hole (3 seconds)
To bury the castle, bury the castle (5 seconds)
Ba da ba ba da ba ba da, ba da ba ba ba da ba ba (12 seconds- with instrumental)
So one day he found her crying (3 seconds)
Coiled up on the dirty ground (4 seconds)
Her prince finally came to save her (3 seconds)
And the rest you can figure out (3 seconds)
But it was a trick (3 seconds)
And the clock struck twelve (3 seconds)
Well make sure to build your home brick by boring brick (5 seconds)
or the wolf's gonna blow it down (2 seconds)
keep your feet on the ground (6 seconds- with instrumental)
when your head's in the clouds (6 seconds- with instrumental)
Well go get your shovel (3 seconds)
And we'll dig a deep hole (3 seconds)
To bury the castle, bury the castle (6 seconds)
Well go get your shovel (3 seconds)
And we'll dig a deep hole (3 seconds)
To bury the castle, bury the castle (6 seconds)
Ohhhhh (13 seconds with instrumental)
Well you built up a world of magic (3 seconds)
Because your real life is tragic (3 seconds)
Yeah you built up a world of magic (5 seconds)
If it's not real (2 seconds)
You can't hold it in your hand (3 seconds)
You can't feel it with your heart (5 seconds)
And I won't believe it (3 seconds)
But if it's true (2 seconds)
You can see it with your eyes (3 seconds)
Oh even in the dark (2 seconds)
And that's where I want to be, yeah (5 seconds)
Go get your shovel (3 seconds)
We'll dig a deep hole (3 seconds)
To bury the castle, bury the castle (6 seconds)
Well go get your shovel (3 seconds)
And we'll dig a deep hole (3 seconds)
To bury the castle, bury the castle (7 seconds)
(Instrumental 7 seconds)
Guys x2:
ba da ba ba da ba ba da, ba da ba ba ba da ba ba (13 seconds)
Hayley x2:
ba da ba ba da ba ba da, ba da ba ba ba da ba ba (13 seconds)

Call Sheet

Treatment sheet

Audience Profile and Questionnaire

Audience Profiles

Age: 6-13 both sexes:

· Preferred Genres- Pop/Musicals/Disney

· Favourite bands/Artists- Justin Bieber, Take That, Girls Aloud, Boyzone, Miley Cyrus, Usher, Tinchy Stryder, The Saturdays

· Hobbies- Going to school, reading, playing games consoles, listening to music, playing instruments

· Interests- becoming famous, learning, playing sport

Age 14-21 both sexes:

· Preferred Genres- Soft Rock/Indie/Pop/Electro

· Favourite bands/Artists- Kings of Leon, The Killers, Florence and the Machine, Katy Perry, Calvin Harris, Paramore, The Kooks

· Hobbies- Going to college or university, driving, hanging with friends, parties, playing instruments

· Interests- Smoking, sleeping in, studying hard, partying harder

Our questionnaire is designed for people who will be in the demographic we are aiming to make the music video for, ideally aged 16-18 or between 14-21 overall but that go to college so we can track them easily. It contains 12 questions to help us know a bit about our audience and their feelings on music video construction.

Questionnaire- Please put a ring around your answers

How old are you?

16/17 17/18 19 or over Prefer not to say

What gender are you?

Male Female Prefer not to say

What do you intend to do after college?

Go to university Apprenticeship Straight into employment None

What do your hobbies involve generally?

Music Performing arts Sport None

How often do you listen to music roughly?

Once a day Once a week Rarely Never

Which genre of music do you tend to listen to the most?

Pop Rock Indie None shown

On a scale of 1-10 how important are music videos to you (1- not at all important 10-very important)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Try and think of your favourite music video, what appeals to you, why do you watch it?

Sang by favourite artist/band Interesting storyline in video

Good effects Heard about the video Was a YouTube random choice None of these

What aspects are important in a music video?

Humour Attractive men/women Storyline Status of band

Is fashion/costume important in a music video?

Yes No It doesn’t matter

To what extent do you agree that women are represented negatively in music videos? (1- not at all 5- yes this is very true)

1 2 3 4 5

To what extent do you think that music videos should illustrate the lyrics in the storyline? (1- not at all 5- yes they always should)

1 2 3 4 5

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Album Cover Analysis

These artists are all from the same genre of music but all have there own unique style when it comes to there album cover image. Each one of these artists have two styles of album cover images, one which are the ones above, are images which the artists think that there album produces when people listen to there music, and the other is images of them selves on the cover and it seems to be that everyone of these artists have done this for the second album along with calling the album alongside one of there songs within the album, as to my thinking hey have done it this way, so that people get there own image of the band, and buy there album for the music and not for what they look like.
Nickelback – All the right reasons; This, in my opinion, is a very well thought out album cover, as it’s a image of a car journey, which I think resembles the songs within the album as each one takes you on your own little journey, just like the car on the album cover, also the image does not show and ending to the journey, which I think is very clever again as it then shows there fans that there is no ending to there journey so that there will be more songs coming.
The Fray – How to save a life; This album cover is very simplistic compared to some album covers, however I think although it is simplistic if you look closer is resembles something much deeper, exactly like there songs, at first they come across as if they are just like any other songs, but if you listen closer, you relies that there is much more meaning behind them. The colours of this album cover portray this as well, with most of it being black but then colours starts coming into it showing much more.
Sting – If on a winters night; This album over shows the exact image what you would expect of a album cover called “if on a winters night”, of a peaceful winters day, again portraying the songs they are what you expect them to be.
Coldplay – Parachutes; This album cover portrays the same things as dose the fray’s album cover, showing that at first its just a normal thing until you look again where this time you look deeper then you relies that there is much more there.

Monday 12 July 2010

Music Video Analysis

Thursday 1 July 2010

Lip Syncing

Creating The Opie

For this opie we used the program photoshop, so we can get use to it for our next project if we need to use it. Fortunately fro the previous year of studying photography i already new how photoshop worked, so i didn't need to follow the task sheet.
To create my opie i first;
Uploaded a picture of myself.
I then used a lasso tool to draw around my hair and start filling it in.
Then I added the highlights and lowlights to make my hair more realistic.
I then lassoed my face and filled this in.
Then I added my features by lassoing around them and filling in and adding them as a higher layer so they would be visible on my face i.e. eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows.
Next was my neck and chest. Once again using the lasso tool I went around my neck and chest and filled it in at a slightly different shade from my face.
And finally finishing off the rest of my body work I filled in my t-shirt and my arms by lassoing and filling them.

Wednesday 26 May 2010


Final Cut Tutorial

Final cut is an advanced media production programme, creating more accurate and higher developed film projects than with I-movie. Being a more advanced programme you need to learn how to correctly use the programme from scratch because it is not the same as with I-movie.
My film group all ready were a head of the rest of the class as we used it for our evaluation.
We started by learning how to import files and place them into the timeline for both the video and audio files. We used pre-recorded dance video's and music clips of people in animal costumes.
We needed to learn to cut the files as it is different to cutting media in I-movie. It is done through the use of a razor tool or use viewer and select in and out points.
After finding this out we began editing. Throughout the clip there were purposeful parts where the clip was black, there for you to practice your cutting techniques.
To make things more difficult myself I took two audios and have cut them together to create a longer video clip.