Wednesday 22 September 2010

Album Cover Analysis

These artists are all from the same genre of music but all have there own unique style when it comes to there album cover image. Each one of these artists have two styles of album cover images, one which are the ones above, are images which the artists think that there album produces when people listen to there music, and the other is images of them selves on the cover and it seems to be that everyone of these artists have done this for the second album along with calling the album alongside one of there songs within the album, as to my thinking hey have done it this way, so that people get there own image of the band, and buy there album for the music and not for what they look like.
Nickelback – All the right reasons; This, in my opinion, is a very well thought out album cover, as it’s a image of a car journey, which I think resembles the songs within the album as each one takes you on your own little journey, just like the car on the album cover, also the image does not show and ending to the journey, which I think is very clever again as it then shows there fans that there is no ending to there journey so that there will be more songs coming.
The Fray – How to save a life; This album cover is very simplistic compared to some album covers, however I think although it is simplistic if you look closer is resembles something much deeper, exactly like there songs, at first they come across as if they are just like any other songs, but if you listen closer, you relies that there is much more meaning behind them. The colours of this album cover portray this as well, with most of it being black but then colours starts coming into it showing much more.
Sting – If on a winters night; This album over shows the exact image what you would expect of a album cover called “if on a winters night”, of a peaceful winters day, again portraying the songs they are what you expect them to be.
Coldplay – Parachutes; This album cover portrays the same things as dose the fray’s album cover, showing that at first its just a normal thing until you look again where this time you look deeper then you relies that there is much more there.

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