Friday 8 October 2010

Questionnaire results

How old are you?

What gender are you?

What do you intend to do after college?

What do you hobbies involve generally?

How often do you listen to music roughly?

What genre of music do you listen to mostly?

On a scale of 1-10 how important are music videos to you? 1- Not at all important 10- Very important

Try and think of your favourite music video, what appeals to you, why do you watch it?

What aspects are important in a music video?

Is fashion/costume important in a music video?

To what extent do you agree that women are represented negatively in music videos? (1- strongly disagree 5-strongly agree)

To what extent do you agree that music videos should illustrate the lyrics in the storyline?

Initial ideas


Wednesday 6 October 2010

Shot Count Analysis

The music video which I have chosen for my shot count is My Sacrifice by Creed. Through out the whole video which is 4 minutes 46 seconds, there are 138 camera shots; however a couple of camera shots were repeated of the lead singer, but most of the shots was varied. What made the repeated shots of the lead singer stand out was that because the were long and the editing between them was slow compared to the rest of the music video, but I think the editor was very clever and done this deliberately as it adds more emotion to the song. The music video also keeps you hooked to the song as the editor keeps the video focused on the storyline rather than the band and he does this through out the editing of the shots as during the storyline the editing is very slow, which seems to make the shots last longer and the shots during the band are very quick making the seem very short. The first seven shots into this video lead you into storyline through a man’s eye, which leads you on to band shots and then the actual storyline for this music video. Most of these shots are mainly medium shots, and close up’s of either the band or the people in the storyline, however there are some other shots like; extreme close up, on the mans eye, slow motion shots, pans and tilts.