Monday 12 July 2010

Music Video Analysis

Thursday 1 July 2010

Lip Syncing

Creating The Opie

For this opie we used the program photoshop, so we can get use to it for our next project if we need to use it. Fortunately fro the previous year of studying photography i already new how photoshop worked, so i didn't need to follow the task sheet.
To create my opie i first;
Uploaded a picture of myself.
I then used a lasso tool to draw around my hair and start filling it in.
Then I added the highlights and lowlights to make my hair more realistic.
I then lassoed my face and filled this in.
Then I added my features by lassoing around them and filling in and adding them as a higher layer so they would be visible on my face i.e. eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows.
Next was my neck and chest. Once again using the lasso tool I went around my neck and chest and filled it in at a slightly different shade from my face.
And finally finishing off the rest of my body work I filled in my t-shirt and my arms by lassoing and filling them.